Case Study

Custom Form Builder


We aimed to develop a custom form builder application that allows users to create and manage dynamic forms with custom validation and configurations. The application would be built using Angular, Typescript, Bootstrap for the frontend, and Java with Spring Boot and MongoDB for the backend. This case study outlines the process and considerations involved in developing the custom form builder with custom validation, configurations, and preview functionality.

Research and Requirement Gathering

We conducted thorough research and gathered requirements to understand the needs of the client and identified the following key objectives:

  • Dynamic Form Creation : Develop an intuitive interface that enables users to create custom forms with various field types and configurations.
  • Custom Validation Rules : Implement a flexible validation system that allows users to define custom validation rules for form fields.
  • Configuration Options : Provide users with options to customize form layouts, themes, conditional logic, and other configurations.
  • Real-time Preview : Enable users to preview the form during the creation process to ensure it meets their requirements.

Design and Architecture

Based on the research findings and requirements, we designed a scalable and modular architecture for the custom form builder application. The architectural considerations included:

  • Angular Frontend : Utilized Angular, Typescript, and Bootstrap for building the responsive and interactive user interface.
  • Component-based Approach : Adopted a component-based architecture to modularize the frontend codebase for reusability and maintainability.
  • Java with Spring Boot Backend : Developed the backend using Java and Spring Boot to handle form creation, data persistence, validation, and configuration.
  • MongoDB Integration : Integrated MongoDB as the database for storing form configurations, validation rules, and submissions.

Frontend Development

The frontend development team used Angular, Typescript, and Bootstrap to implement the custom form builder's user interface. Key considerations included:

  • Form Builder Interface : Created a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality to allow users to add form fields and configure their properties.
  • Custom Validation Rules : Implemented a validation system that allows users to define and apply custom validation rules to form fields.
  • Real-time Preview : Developed a real-time preview functionality to show users how the form will look and behave while they are creating it.
  • Responsive Design : Utilized Bootstrap to ensure a responsive and mobile-friendly user interface.

Backend Development

The backend development team utilized Java with Spring Boot to build the server-side components and integrate MongoDB for data persistence. Key considerations included:

  • RESTful API : Developed RESTful APIs to handle form creation, retrieval, validation, configuration, and submission storage.
  • Form Configuration Management : Stored and managed form configurations, including field types, labels, validation rules, and layouts, in MongoDB.
  • Custom Validation Logic : Implemented a customizable validation system that allows users to define and apply their own validation rules.
  • Form Submission Storage : Designed a data model and implemented logic to securely store form submissions in MongoDB.

Testing and Deployment

We conducted thorough testing of the custom form builder application, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. Once the application passed the testing phase, it was deployed to a production environment. Key considerations included:

  • Continuous Integration and Deployment : Utilized CI/CD pipelines to automate the testing, build, and deployment processes.
  • Performance Optimization : Conducted performance testing and implemented optimizations to ensure the application's responsiveness and scalability.
  • Monitoring and Error Handling : Integrated logging and monitoring tools to track and handle errors, ensuring smooth operation of the application in production.

By developing the custom form builder application with custom validation and configurations, we successfully provided the client with a powerful tool for creating and managing dynamic forms. The real-time preview functionality enhanced the user experience and allowed users to visualize the form's appearance and behavior during the creation process. The application's flexibility and customization options resulted in improved efficiency and user satisfaction.

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